The whole idea of Self-Publishing Empire™ sprouted two years ago, but was germinated out of five years of my own writing and self-publishing eleven novels, and even before that, thirty-plus years of entrepreneurship. It will ultimately mature into eight or more books which cover the whole concept about properly growing your self-publishing business into a Self-Publishing Empire™.
So what is a Self-Publishing Empire™?
It’s your writing business, whether you’re wanting to write just one book or become one of the largest imprint publishers in your genre. It’s whatever you want your writing business to blossom, grow and prosper to whatever goal you have in mind. It is after all YOUR Self-Publishing Empire™
Where others stop…
Self-Publishing Empire™ picks up where most howto self-publishing books stop. Search the vast virtual shelves of Amazon and you’ll find plenty of books about the craft of writing, writing your books fast, targeting your genres, the book launch, marketing and advertising your books, and even some basic business books for authors. But you will struggle to find books about:
- How and why to create an entity to run your business
- How to easily run the business side of your business
- How to protect your brands and other intellectual property
- Expanding your business with multiple streams of income
- The business logistics of how to co-author with others
- Your author legacy and passing on your business to future generations
- How to use current tax laws for your author business
Yet, if you conquer these concepts, your writing business will become a Self-Publishing Empire™.
What Self-Publishing Empire™ is NOT…
Self-Publishing Empire™ is not an expensive online course or in-town teaching method. It’s my knowledge and what I’ve learned in almost forty years of owning and running businesses, applied to running a self-publishing business.
Not quick…
I know what I will write. I just know it will take me a while to get there. The first book of the series will not come out until late 2019. I cannot promise when the next one will come out. We’ll see.
Meanwhile, I hope that what I’ve learned and continue to learn may help you turn your writing business into a Self-Publishing Empire™.