I know you have questions. Here are a few I’ve been asked and my answers.
What if you only want to self-publish one book?
Self-Publishing Empire® will still be helpful to you. Whether your publishing goals are small or huge, Self-Publishing Empire® was written for you.
Can I avoid handling any of the business-side of things? I just want to write.
If you’ve not been able to secure a publishing contract with a traditional publisher, Self-Publishing Empire® offers many suggestions on how to make the “business side of things” easier. But like with any business, if you do not intend to invest some time and money in running the “business side of things” you shouldn’t expect your author business to be viable.
What is the expected publish dates for Self-Publishing Empire® Books #1 & #2?
Both the ebook and paperback are available on Amazon now and will be available on other major outlets shortly.
What about future Self-Publishing Empire® Books?
As much as I would like to sit down and knock out some of the other books I have planned for SPE, I can only work them in in between my fiction writing and self-publishing. My best guess for the next book in the series is late-2023.