
Do you plan on making money on your books in 2023?
Then it’s time to start your self-publishing empire, by forming your author entity.

ENTITY START UP is the first book in the Self-Publishing Empire® Series of books.

Written by someone who has created over 100,000 entities for small businesses all over the US. He will show you why you need an entity now, how to set one up your own for the lowest cost, and what to do afterwords.

Start Here

Entity Set Up (Self-Publishing Empire® Book #1)

Discover why authors need an entity now

Learn your author entity choices

Prepare for set up up

DIY step-by-step

Do what is required after set up

Introduce your author entity to the world


All 51 state agencies and their processes

Author agreements you’ll need


Get Started Now

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Ready to go further?

Don’t mess it up!

If you’ve already stared your Self-Publishing Empire® by forming, what do you do next?

Entity Management: Why and How Authors Should Manage Their Business Entity (Self-Publishing Empire® Book #2)

Ten actions that could destroy your entity and your business

Learn how to deal with your state

Deadlines you cannot miss

Here’s what to tell (& not tell) the IRS

Know when and how to make changes

Put your entity on auto pilot


All 51 state agencies and their processes

Detailed instructions for every INC or LLC


Protect Your Empire

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